Three Card Spread.

Recent Past:

Mad love for The Hermit inspired Led Zeppelin album artwork...

Mad love for The Hermit inspired Led Zeppelin album artwork...

Staying in...writing music in a studio...reading...writing...going inward...listening to inner wisdom and having to use it...playing guitar in candlelight, alone...solo yoga elder...creating in your cave...


Badass vision of The Tower by Sarah Wheatley

Badass vision of The Tower by Sarah Wheatley

Transformation...change...enlightenment...shock...sudden happenings...seeing stuff differently...transcendence...revolution/evolution...outbursts/explosions/fire-y-ness...cleansing...spring cleaning...get ready for the new....hey hey hey....

Near Future:

One of my faves: Aquarian Tarot

One of my faves: Aquarian Tarot

Getting in touch with that love vibe...feeling youthful and good...caring for others...ability to focus friends...